“What do you do when you are in your huts at night? Do you watch TV?”

The man answered, with a slight but respectful amusement,

“No. We keep our eyes on the night.”


This phrase has become iconic for Dr. Tayria Ward.

It’s a way to think about a quality of mind and attention that has been lost to us.


“We Keep Our Eyes on the Night”: Reviving the Indigenous Mind

This revolutionary 5 week online course will offer an exploration of our original terrains of mind, those which humans inhabited for 98% of human history

It will be a valuable opportunity to shake ourselves and each other awake.

Current concepts for what is real are based upon social and economic power structures rather Nature.

These old ways of thinking are breaking down; new ones are waiting to be born.

We are an extremely resourceful species. Together we can do this!


Meet Dr. Tayria Ward

After completing a doctorate in Depth Psychology, Tayria was called out of Los Angeles where she had lived, worked and raised a family for 30 years, to go on a quest deep into the remote mountains of Western North Carolina. There Tayria lived alone on a mountaintop for 9 years.

Tayria says: “I experienced states of mind and a sense of life that I am excited to explore with others; there are stories to tell. I have considered those 9 years as completion of a second doctorate, one that has been earned in a completely different way. Solitude and nature are master teachers.

Dr. Tayria Ward, Ph.D. now lives in Asheville, North Carolina, where she has a private practice offering dream analysis, psychological and spiritual guidance to clients from all parts of the world.

Tayria has worked intensively with her own and other peoples’ dreams for almost 50 years, and for nearly 30 years has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being.

She conducts a monthly Global Community Dream Symposium wherein persons share their dreams and listen to the collective dreaming mind.


“I have worked with Tayria for quite some time. She brings such a wealth, breadth, and depth to dream work, to life’s work.  Of course, she has the ‘credentials’ including a Ph.D. from Pacifica, but she also brings so much indigenous wisdom, culture, acceptance, love, joy, respect and presence.  I feel her Spirit engaged with mine as we ‘work’ and process my dreams, events, experiences, assisting me to cross over my own bridges.”

~Desiree M.

“We Keep Our Eyes on the Night”: Reviving the Indigenous Mind

5 Week Online Journey

The ability to communicate with every element of life and matter, in earth and stars, is genetically coded into the human; it is our original psychic endowment, patterned into our creation at the cellular level. This capacity of mind and thinking is indigenous to every single human.

Join us for this wild and fun adventure to your own Mountaintop.

We’ll do a Walkabout together through the original, ancient terrains of your psyche and life.

Where your stories await to find their voice and be made available for sharing too.


Program Details:


Over the course of each session we will journey and further deepen our connection to our intrinsic nature, and have time for teaching as well as time for questions, answers and community sharing.

All classes are recorded. You receive the recording in downloadable video and audio within 48 hours after each class.

Module ONE:

The Psyche is Archaic: What is the Indigenous Mind?

Understanding who we are at the deepest levels, prior to culture and domestication:

· Identify with our ancient origins in consciousness in new ways.

· Discuss the human’s current dominant mode of thinking, which C. G. Jung calls directed thinking, which Heidigger calls technological thinking, which Brian Swimme calls the modern industrial mind.

· Reconnect to the profound creativity and intelligence of the original mind

· Become increasingly aware of the Great Conversation that is actively taking place among all elements of our planetary home; listen and engage

· Hear Tayria’s stories, and share your own

Module Two:

Dreams, Dreamtime and Dream Thinking

In the beginning was the dream:

· Understand dreams as reports from a dimension of consciousness that inhabits all things

· Explore the aboriginal concept of the Dreamtime, which is entered during both waking and sleeping hours

· Loosen our attachment to “directed thinking” and learn to develop capacity for dream thinking, mythological thinking, an ancient form of knowing and perception

· Share dreams from the community

Module three:

The Black Sun

Participate consciously with death and resurrection rites in soul and psyche:

· Reflect together on what is required to undergo the deconstruction of learned ways of thinking and of creating identity

· Learn about the alchemical, psychological process of the nigredo necessary for the transformation of consciousness

· Explore the Art of Dying: “You have to die before you die, so that when you die you don’t die,” as the shamans say

· Embrace darkness as a creative womb of gestation, revelation, comfort and joy

Module four:

Finding Your Songlines: Following Your Dreaming Tracks

Consider the patterns and constellations of deep energy that guide your life:

· Learn the aboriginal concept of listening to the Songlines spread out across the terrains of world and soul

· What does it mean to find and follow your own Dreaming Tracks?

· Hear Tayria’s reflections on the tracks of dreams that have led her consistently through 50 years of recording and following the wisdom of her dreams

· Reflect, find and express your own dreaming tracks, and learn to follow them forward

Module five:

Reinventing the Human: A New Cosmology

How to live day-to-day with an awakening and transforming psychology and cosmology; vision questing as a way of life:

· Reflecting together on what it means to be human; consider more deeply the ancient “Who am I” question: Know Thyself

· How to create the “Viable Human”, in the words of Thomas Berry

· Consider the New Earth, visualize and enter it consciously and together

· What do the ancient and new sciences have to teach us about who we really are?

“Our civilization has gotten on the wrong bus, headed in the wrong direction,” says Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai.

“What do you do when you get on the wrong bus?” she asks. “You get off the bus.”


~ A glimpse into what you’ll experience in the course ~

Suggested Homework Ritual

15-30 minutes outside every day, or as many days a week as possible.

Sit, stay, observe.

Even if you’re in Brooklyn and all you have is a tree well, be with that tree.

Who visits?

Pay attention to wind, fragrances, play of light.

Still the mind.

Don’t think.


“It is now possible for us to remember, to awaken, to reclaim the origins in consciousness that in earlier times were available to us.

The same colossal creativity that imagined and manifested plants, trees, bugs, birds, lions, giraffes, zebras, elephants and humans is who we are at the deepest roots of our being.”

~ Dr. Tayria Ward, Ph.D.



Regular Price

555 US Dollars

** Special Announcement **

In the spirit of the Global School for Quantum Evolution and Sacred Economics, we are offering this program on a DONATION basis.

We want this course and all of our courses to be accessible to as many beings as possible.

This wisdom and information needs to be shared in a revolutionary way so that every single Soul who feels the call to Awaken, Adventure & Dream in a New (Ancient) Earth may receive this beautiful gift of accessibility.

Take a moment to fully receive this gift.

Take a deep breath.

Place your hand on your heart, and donate the amount that feels aligned for your heart & soul at this time.

Questions? Please email us at hello@wearesacredplanet.com


Learn more about Beautiful and inspiring Teacher, Dr. Tayria Ward

Tayria Ward has a Ph.D. in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California. After 30 years of living in the Los Angeles area where she raised her family, working for 20 years as a minister, and later as a professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels, in 2004 she moved to the ancient mountains of Western North Carolina to found Bridging Worlds Mountain Retreat Center, where she lead regular retreats and vision quests for 9 years.

Tayria says: “As humans in many ways we threw out the baby with the bathwater. Our connection with the intelligent voices of the non-human world and those of the invisible world have been undervalued, often severed, to the detriment of our health psychologically, emotionally, physically, socially and environmentally.”

Tayria’s work is to help recover this health.

Tayria Ward, Ph.D., now lives in Asheville, North Carolina, where she has a private practice offering dream analysis, psychological and spiritual guidance to clients from all parts of the world. Tayria has worked intensively with her own and other peoples’ dreams for almost 50 years, and for nearly 30 years has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being. She has conducted a monthly Global Community Dream Symposium since early 2017 wherein persons from all over the world come to share their dreams and listen to the collective dreaming mind, and is now offering small private dream groups as well. Tayria conducts retreats and vision quests, teaches on-line courses, and teaches to a wide audience in regular interviews and lectures. She also offers private oracular readings upon request.

“Working with Tayria has been one of my most fulfilling exercises in self-awareness.  Sometimes things come in a flash, sometimes insight arrives more subtly and quietly.  I have learned to notice this (and more) as a result of dream analysis with Tayria, sharing the synchronistic events of daily life and acknowledging the presence and divine genius within. Tayria’s deep compassion for helping others ‘along the way’ is matched only by her extensive knowledge and experience as a ‘soul doctor.’  It is a joy and privilege to work with her.”

~ - Gary M